Saturday 31 May 2014

Major changes on the blog:

So, after a long time of inactivity, I'm again working on the base of my novel, adding new stuff and updating old one. What has been changed?

  •  All the chapter from the novel have moved to my FanFiction account, to create space for more pages. My blog is now the host of all the additional work I'm doing for and next to the novel, which you can read simply by clicking on the link 'The Novel' (obviously). FanFiction is very useful and practical for reading, whereas a blog is more for images, presentations and videos. Thus the big change. And a blog on Blogger can only hold a limited amount of pages, so since the novel will be quite long (I'm planning more than 50 chapters) there will be no space for it here
  • Related to the changes mentioned above, you can now send me Private Messages, short PMs, to my FanFiction account. I'll always be quick in answering if the messages are friendly formulated and interesting
  • The Dolor Mortis Sketches page has been added to the Sketchbook
  • A new page was created entitled 'Research'. Since I'm currently doing a lot of research for all kinds of stuff which I'm adding to the novel, I thought that an individual page would be accurate
  • And finally: have you heard of the Pile Dwellers? Look for them at the 'Research' page!
 I am sorry for all those changes (my blog looks kinda empty without all those chapters...) but I thought it best to do as such for the sake of space. It is an obsession, I confess, to tidy up everywhere I go.You should see my room ... everything has its very own place :)

So, see you at FanFiction for the reading!